Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Whoda thunk I'd be planning a wedding

So here I am creating another blog - this time about the wedding planning. I figured something has to inspire me to actually follow through with planning.

Assuming you know us - and if you are reading this I am sure you do - we are shall we say a bit on the laid back side. We go with the flow. We are subdued! Wait, did I really write that - yeah, subdued is not the right term. We are just chill! This translates to the fact that we got engaged in September, decided to get married in August, went to town hall in November, planned to have the wedding in August anyway, and now its the end of March and we have not much planned.

I did register us with Target (thank's Gretel - and yeah we need a hatchet) and Crate and Barrel (who doesn't need a cast iron cacti muffin tin?) and the Knot. This is something - but not useful because hello what do we really need but the aforementioned cacti muffin tin.

I lament but then Jess reminds me that we have in fact done something. Aunty is loaning us all the tables and chairs, Uncle is doing the DJing, Penny is doing some photography, and we have a location. In addition, we did order cards on snapfish last night - well we ordered a sample. If the picture is any indication of something other than our cuteness, it is that Penny is one hell of a photographer. This is great progress but its March and well what about all the other million things???

My fear is that we will end up having one of those (whispered voice) "lesbian" weddings where everyone is bringing their own chair in a bag, fishing pole, and pot luck dish. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

So please let this blog inspire me, nay us, to plan this wedding!

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